DanNora Business Solutions 应用

Books of Eden 2.0.7
This is a collection of books about Adam andEve in Eden. This contains the Conflict of Adam, Eve and Satan inEden and the Book of Adam. This comprises more than 130 smallchapters about what really happened in Eden, why the devil hates usand his promise to destroy mankind, his fall from grace because hedid not want to bow to man as God instructed. This content has beensourced from the public domain and conceptualised, designed anddeveloped into this app. The App also has text to speechfunctionality using ICOSTextToSpeech v1.90 Library (c) 2011-2014,Giuseppe Salvi (ICOS-Soft)" so that you can listen to you readings.This app is freeware. Conceived, Designed and Developed by Anele'Mashy' Mbanga.
I-Need-A-Lift 1.00
I-Need-A-Lift is a platform to facilitatetheprocess of offering lifts and taking lifts between publictransportand private users. For public transport, one can registertheirtrip, indication how many passengers (15) they want for thetrip,e.g. from East London, South Africa to Bloemfontein, SouthAfrica,indicating the amount required.For private users, the number will be limited to the numberofseats available e.g. 3A traveller can then browse available lifts and 'book' a lift.Toregister, your mobile number (including country code) e.g. +27isrequired including your personal details e.g. first name andlastname.For I.C.E (In Case of Emergency) purposes, you also registeraN.O.K (Next of Kin) who you can keep posted of your whereaboutsand sent a Panic Alert should you feel threatened / unsafe orincase of an accident. Sending an ICE sends your exactGPScoordinates to your N.O.K.This app does not use your information for promotionalpurposesor to third parties and your personal details arekeptconfidential.
AskTeenCoach 1.01
AskTeenCoach enables you to get quick, reliable andpersonalizedanswers to all your questions about personal growth,relationships,family, career, academic excellence, leadership,ubuntu (values)and attitudes to mention a few. We get industrybased speakers,life coaches and entrepreneurs to address our teensto role modeland share their experiences too. We encourage parents,teenagers,guardians and teachers to be involved in this process ofyouthdevelopment.